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Five To-Dos Before Making a Career-Prompted Move

August 27, 2018

Confident business man looking over new area If you've been offered a great new job or simply know that a particular city will afford you better opportunities, making a move for your career can prove effective and exciting. It also can prove distressing without a plan for a smooth transition. McKendree Moving & Storage offers these tips:

  1. If you've got a job offer, ask your new employer about relocation benefits: Many businesses, particularly larger ones that regularly recruit new employees, have relationships with moving, storage and relocation companies that offer a range of discounts and other financial benefits. These may include coverage of moving expenses and closing costs, or even providing a buyout option if your current home doesn't sell before your move date.
  2. Check out your new locale: As soon as you've decided to make the move, begin researching your new city and community, both via the Internet and in person. Research the local economy and housing market so that you know what you're in for financially. This information may prove useful in negotiating your new salary and benefits. You'll also want to know particulars such as great coffee shops near your new workplace where you can hold offsite business meetings.
  3. Test the commute: Arrange a visit to your new city to make the trip from your prospective new homes to the workplace during both the morning and afternoon rushes. Knowing which routes will help you avoid an excruciating commute may prove incredibly useful in choosing whether to live downtown or in the suburb.
  4. Make your travel and move arrangements: Topping the list is choosing a reputable mover to pack, load, transport and deliver your furniture and other household items. Then, decide how you, your family and your pets will make the move. Will you drive your own vehicles or fly to your new town and have a mover deliver your vehicles? Whatever you choose, know that making travel arrangements as early as possible will help minimize costs and your stress level. However, because moving can involve lots of variables, make sure that your travel plans have some flexibility – the ability to change flights inexpensively, for instance.
  5.  Attend to transition details: Arrange to have your utilities, internet connections, etc. turned off at your old home, and on at your new home. Make sure you’ve stocked up on prescription medications and have copies of all medical records for both your family members and pets. If you have school-age children, be sure to have their academic transcripts sent to their new schools and check into local school immunization requirements, which may differ from those in your old locale. Complete a change-of-address card at your post office and notify banks, credit card companies and other important contacts of your new address. And, update any business-related social media profiles to help assure a great start in your new position. '

If your move will take you to or from the Washington, DC metro area, McKendree Moving & Storage should be your first call. Reach us at 800-530-2626.  

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