Three Top Tips to Cut Your Moving Costs

August 27, 2018

A smooth moving experience takes forethought, time and energy. Oh, yeah - and money. Even those who attempt DIY moves can count on taking a bit of a financial hit for moving supplies, gas and time away from work. McKendree Moving & Storage offers these top tips for keeping your moving costs to a minimum.

  1. Lighten your load: If you don't see yourself using it or wearing it in your new digs, unload it. Offer it up in a yard sale, donate it, dole it out to family and friends or toss it. Got furniture that won't fit size-wise or style-wise in your new home? Call your local college to see if an incoming student can use it in his or her dorm. Got formalwear you haven't worn since that fancy company holiday party three years ago? Offer it an organization that provides prom wear to high school students. Got a pantry full of canned and boxed goods? Drop it off at your local homeless shelter, food bank or church. Bottom line – if you don't need or want it, why pay to move it?
  2. Be flexible: Weekends and the first and last days of each month are the busiest days for moving companies. That's why they're also the priciest. If you're willing and able to move mid-month and on a weekday, you're likely to get a better deal.
  3. Create a budget and stick to it: Talk with your moving company early on to better plan and save. Gather any supplies that you can for free. For instance, ask your workplace, neighbors or stores that you frequent for spare boxes. And plan to pack smaller items and those you'll need handy in your own vehicle.

McKendree Moving & Storage offers affordable and reliable packing and moving services for residential and corporate moves. Call 800-530-2626 to speak with a moving specialist in our Waldorf, Elkridge or La Plata location today.

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