10 Top Facts and Stats on Moving in America
August 27, 2018
Americans are constantly on the move and we don't mean to work, to the gym or to the mall. Thousands of people living in the United States pack up and relocate to new homes every single day. Check...
Four Tips to Ease the Move to College
August 27, 2018
Leaving home and heading off to college can be an exciting but stressful experience for both students and parents, particularly if your chosen institution is miles away from mom’s home...
Why Moving Boxes Make Great Halloween Costumes
August 27, 2018
Cardboard moving boxes make great Halloween costume creativity boosters. Halloween is here and if you’ve just completed a move, you’re no doubt overloaded with empty moving boxes....
Difficult Items to Pack and Move
August 27, 2018
Grandfather clocks are among the most difficult home items to move. Let McKendree Moving & Storage handle it for you. Moving is a chore, of that there is no doubt. While the grand piano...
Trick-or Treating Safety Tips
August 27, 2018
Are your kids excitedly preparing for Halloween in your new neighborhood? McKendree Moving & Storage offers trick-or-treating safety tips. Halloween is a favorite time of the year for kids...
Top Tips for Moving During the Holidays
August 27, 2018
There are a few things in life that are simultaneously exciting and monumentally stressful. Among them are holidays and moving to a new home. So, imagine just what a stress-fest it is to...
Seven Tips for Moving With Pets
August 27, 2018
Even the smoothest move has its stressful moments – especially for family members of the four-legged variety. McKendree Moving & Storage offers seven top tips for making...
New Home Construction to Rebound in 2015
August 27, 2018
If you've been holding off on building or buying a new home, your wait may soon be over. Sales of newly built, single-family homes rose 11.6 percent in December and that momentum is expected to...
First Night Survival Kit for Movers
August 27, 2018
Despite the best of efforts, moving to a new home often is subject to Murphy's Law - "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Never is this old adage more at play than on a...